today also marked the conclusion of telluride's infamous "nothing festival." a weekend mockingly marking the over abundance of tourist catered events throughout the summer months. this is a weekend for locals. no traffic. no long lines. no outsiders. a real community builder. unfortunately, due to early season dust storms, conditions were less than favorable for the annual lunar cup an eclectic mix of individuals racing down the snowy slopes of savage basin. camping, costumes, free box finds, and plenty of cocktails make this summertime downhill ski/snowboard race a favorite for our local lunatics.
unable to participate in the telluride tradition of shooshing down the july snow pack, i found it only necessary to participate in what one may consider, the closing ceremonies. at dusk i found myself in the company of forty fellow telluride townies, pedaling down the length of main street on our bicycles. the traffic circle to town park and back. in the buff. that is to say, in full "nothing" spirit. (disclaimer: i wore nude panties. there is just something seemingly unsanitary about being bottomless on a bicycle. oh my o.c.d tendencies.)
breasts exposed and genitalia dangling, the herd of exposed riders made there way through the crowded streets. restaurants emptied as their patrons lined the sidewalks with cameras and video. tourists and locals alike. children. elderly. everyone in between. cheering and whooping. we made our pass and looped back for our celebratory bash on the front lawn of one participant's house. it was oddly comfortable. such a large group almost entirely nude, created a new standard for normal. but the overall spirit was playful and lacked uncomfortable sexual overtones. we were like children running naked on the beach. wonderfully naive and innocent. liberated and free. "nothing" brings people together.