Wednesday, July 23, 2008

see i'm all about them words, over numbers, unencumbered numbered words, hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words, more words than i have ever heard.

I am finally getting paid to write.
Well, sort of.
As you may have heard, my car was involved in an accident on Saturday. (Parked at a gas pump when a drunk woman backed into it) And after filing a report with the uhaul company's insurance, they seemed more than happy to cover the damages, considering their rentor was under the influence and operating said uhaul under false pretenses and without proper insurance.
So along with matching the estimated damages, the company has agreed to pay me $30/day as an inconveniece fee. And since I am with my aunt and uncle (they have three cars and the EL station is two blocks from their house) ) I don't need a that money is going right back into my gas tank and giving me a few extra days to hang out in Chicago and write and take pictures.
Not exactly what I had in mind, but it's a pretty sweet deal!
So I see more gardening, cooking, good wine, and lounging by Lake Michigan in my near future.
I know, you feel very bad for me :)

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