this week marks the beginning of what i will call [phase three] of my stay in telluride. it marks a lot of newness. beginnings. ends. future plans. greg left in february. the dynamic in the house quickly changed. and in the past month dennis and i have spent little to no time hanging out together. this saddened me at first, as he was the only person i originally knew here. but it has worked out to my benefit. forcing me out of my comfort zone. dennis left for
california on tuesday. i was nervous about him leaving, but i am actually quite at home here, despite his absence. in the past couple weeks i have branched out. made my own friends. created my own adventures. cut the umbilical cord. i have a life here in telluride. people to call on for support and fun ski equipment. i love it. i have a new job at a
boutique hotel that is in stark contrast to the lifestyle i have been living for the past year. guests spend tens of thousands of dollars on a few night's stay. it baffles me. and while i am more comfortable with my current lack of possessions and freedom to be nomadic, i am pleased to be working for this company. small and close knit. new to the area also, so i have my hand in the establishment. a good look into the hospitality industry. a chance to see if a bed & breakfast may actually be in my future plans. i am amazed how things keep presenting themselves to me. projection. put it out there. present your request[s] to god. he will deliver. big and small. i am in awe.
i read
jason mraz's blog on the regular. i love him. not in an obsessed fan kind of way, but on a human level where i can't quite understand how someone in his position could be documenting these shared thoughts and feelings. we are on the same plain. and my constructed ideals of how life should be come crashing down when his words get me. when he reaches out. and i realize maybe we are all looking for the same things. love and gratitude. it's no coincidence. ride that wave. love your neighbor. breathe in the day. sing your songs. climb your mountains.
"One impossible day I was avoiding the easy task of letting go while arguing with the demons in my head in an effort to feel love, worth, to have my intuitions confirmed that what I was working on was of value." i keep having moments of light. where i realize out of the haze of the average day that a prayer has been answered. sometimes simple. like my desire for a base layer with thumb holes. low and behold...that's my lumiere uniform. free of charge. and my desire for concrete floors and radiant heating. mine without the mortgage. cozy and warm by the fire a few nights a week. then free to travel for the off season. i have girls who get me. and boys who make me laugh until my sides hurt. adventures. a good soundtrack. a love for life that is contagious.
this town is glorious. a freedom i never expected. big skies...and lot's of light.

yay! for new adventures and stepping outside your comfort's a biggen...your new job/place looks freakin of my favorite jobs was working at the wentworth mansion in charleston...guests didn't spend quite as much a night...but same principle...have fun! i think you'll be pretty good at it!
whoa...nice you get a discount? ha! talk to ya soon. heart.
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