Monday, June 29, 2009

and as we rode the bus home i thought surely i'd wake up tomorrow just to find that i had dreamt up everything.

to fulfill my love of photography and contrasting textures i organized a lil' photo shoot last week. there are not many things better than playing dress up in the sunshine and goofing off with a camera. part of me will always be a little girl. and since my usual photo-extravaganza sidekicks (kelly & erin) are off in charlotte, i had to enlist the aid of another fun loving friend. thank you megan, for your willing participation, cooperation, and bright spirit. construction workers. wiffle ball. hippie camp...this day totally rocked. [special thanks to the freebox for the totally amazing wardrobe.]

[photos by: audrey mann]

[photos by: megan browning]


Erin said...

I miss photo-shoots :(

a.mann said...

we'll have to squeeze one in while i'm in nc :)