david byrne was an unexpected highlight for me. all white clad dancers. perfect voice. tutus. definitely in my top three shows of all time. hands down. emmylou harris, patty griffin, and shawn colvin warmed up the crowd. starting the evening off right. punch brothers on saturday. even as the clouds rolled in and rains poured down in town park the crowd stood firm in their tarp-claimed territory. playing and singing all the classic tunes, the fellas riled the crowd and made promises of a good radiohead cover show on sunday night.
work was mingled in with lounging and dancing. an extra 10,000 people in town adds to the hustle and bustle of main street. the town has transformed and i enjoy the liveliness while it lasts. but look forward to the return of the quiet stream of bicycle traffic instead of the parked cars lining the streets and weaving my way through hoards of people on the sidewalks. does that make me a snob?
random conversation at bluegrass:
friend: did you see the hangover?
me: do i have a hangover?
friend: no. the movie. the hangover. with that guy. the one from the office.
me: no i haven't seen it but everyone says it's hilarious.
friend: so you know that guy? andy? from the office?
me: yeah, why?
friend: that guy over there looks just like him. (pointing to the tarp behind us)
me: (leaning very obviously to get a better look) that's because it is him. andy loves bluegrass!
instead of rambling on about what i've been up to, i'll just show you. [no photos where taken with ed helms because we were too chicken to ask him.]

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