the rain is coming down outside. one day after another. blue skies break clouds momentarily. until another frosty breeze causes you to clutch at the collar of your coat. drawing it closed. holding it close. snow in june. who knew? i love it though. because of the layered clothes. the lack of humidity. a strange new summer sensation. as soon as i conquer this damp encouraged cold i will conquer that problem in illium valley. sit start. launch. hips close. pull my self up. sarah got me hooked. and i'm about to go mad cooped up in this house. sick for two and a half weeks. that is torture in telluride. adventure waits right outside my door and i am quarantined in my room. coughing fits and hearing loss. hurry antibiotics. rescue me from these confining walls. i want mountains and rivers and wildflowers. not another episode of
house on hulu or
haunting videos from a life i almost lived. quit torturing myself and get outside. get well. get it together.
do something with my life.

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