Monday, June 16, 2008

cultivate gratitude.

"Cultivate gratitude." That is a quote from the novel Eat Pray Love.
And it has stuck with me for months.

I received a package in the mail this morning. I little something from my peeps in CLT. And my mom got all excited as she came in from the post office, to hand it to me.

"Your friend's sent you something. I think it's a cd." She was convined you all had made me roadtrip mixes and she marvelled at how wonderful you all are...until I tore open the envelope.

Then she burst out crying--Now I know where I get it from :)

I don't even know where to begin.
You all amaze me. And I would not be doing this had it not been for all of your love and encouragement. You are all written on my heart. You are in my thoughts daily. I barely made it to Baltimore before i realized how difficult it was going to be to leave you all behind.
But you aren't. You are here with me. And I am so grateful for the time we spent together and can't wait for more.
Thank you for caring for me even in the moments when I am fitfully unable to receive it.

yours always,

PS. *B*, it only coun't as stalking if it's undesired or unknown. I'll try to make your efforts worthwhile. Adventures...enough to go around!


Unknown said...

:-) i just got all caught up. miss you! i am jealous of your adventures and i'm in love with your writing. <3 eagerly waiting for the next installment be it here or thru an email.

Anonymous said...

we love you!!!!!

Unknown said...

I am reading Eat, Pray, Love right now, and that was one, one of many, things that stuck out to me too. I'm happy that you have such a great community to be grateful for!