Monday, June 9, 2008

new recipe.

Recipe for Disaster::Also known as deskunker (the greenliving version...mais oui!)

1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
1 teaspoon liquid soap
Wet the dog, and work the formula through their fur. Leave the mixture to et on the dog for four or five minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Throw out any leftover remedy.

So Marley Dog decided to get friendly with the local wildlife yesterday morning. While you all were getting ready for church or sleeping in your nice comfy beds, I was dressed in the most ridiculous outfit (because I had to throw the clothes out afterwards) wrestling Marley on the lawn to get him to hold still so I could spray him with the garden hose (the water contents of said water hose caused my fingers to go slightly numb...brrrrrrrrrrrnelly!)
That's right folks, Marley Dog made "friends" with a skunk. And not the beat up old stuffed animal my meme gave me when I was four...a real life "polecat".
It wasnt pretty. And it was only humerous for the first 30 seconds until I realized what he had in his mouth...that's right...he actually picked the darn thing up.
I watched the hole scene. I had just let him out to go pee and he darted across the driveway and there he was...Pepe le Pew, himself. And before I could utter one word Marley had him in his mouth-dropped him-and then stood dumfounded rubbing his face on the ground while Monseiur le Pew waddled off leaving the most magnificently grotesque smell in the air.
Actually it was pretty well concentrated on the white patch of fur on his neck. And I bathed him with the concoction above and an entire bottle of tomato juice...lather-rinse-repeat!
He's had three baths since "the incident" and is almost back to normal doggie smell but he isn't allowed in the house yet. So while my mom is off to Boston to drop my sister at the bus station...I get to stay here and run the gallery and write and just genrerally exhale.
This week has been exhausting. I think I may sleep until my mom returns tomorrow night.
But I wont get to spoon with my marley dog...cause he has to sleep in the barn one more night.
Silly dog.
I hope you've learned your lesson.
Next time, atleast let me have my morning coffee first :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my GOSH. this is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor marley and poor auds!!!!!!!!!! coffee is a must in the morning first thing! no pepe le pew