i am sharing these ideas with you all because briana has sweetly reminded me through her own discoveries, that we need to share in order to be held accountable and shrouded in prayer. i have no idea what will come of all this but there are some balls rolling. it's a pin ball game out there, and i'm just trying to keep myself in play. so i ask for your prayers and guidance. questions are good. comments and concerns, are also appreciated. i am really excited about all these question marks in my life. for the first time i really feel like anything is possible. i've been hanging myself for not being settled down. but that really just means that i haven't "settled".
i am a limited creature, called to limitless joy.
i have been trying to figure out where i see myself in the future. what i want to be doing. and it's so hard to know what the right direction is. so i have been trying whatever sounds interesting and not physically or emotionally harmful to myself or others. so far i have applied for an internship with a magazine in nyc, a position as a photographer for ski resorts in beaver creek and telluride, and an internship as a cook on a working farm in boone, north carolina . so far the farm is the big draw. i spent over a half hour on the phone with Eustace Conway the other day, discussing details and swapping stories. i told myself i would just try until doors started closing in my face. so far the "barn door" is wide open leaving all the other options on the back burner. i have a working interview the week of september 22nd. so i guess i'll know more after that. picture me milking goats and cooking in an outdoor kitchen in th middle of the blue ridge mountains. definitely not where i would have seen myself at twenty-nine. so much more interesting than my cardboard cutout creation of a life. check out turtle island preserve for more info.

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