flashing lights in my rear view mirror. out of no where. out of blackest black. i slow to a stop on the side of the road. the officer approaches. marley snarls. growels. barks. lunges. but the officer is amused. ma'am, do you know why i stopped you? i honestly had no clue. i was on a two lane highway in late night arizona on my way to california. i was alone on the road. no clue. how fast were you going ma'am? 65 with cruise control. exactly. set it to be safe. no tickets here. but the speed limit somehow dropped to 45mph. just for a stretch. just long enough for me to do twenty miles over past a waiting officer. perfect. license and registration, please. i was speeding. there's nothing i can do about it now. the officer returns to my driver's side. marley trying to eat him. hey killer. tell your owner to slow it down. there's burrows out there. 45 through town. 65 anywhere else. burrows? wild donkeys. left behind when the mines closed. they wander into the street. my brother hit one a couple weeks ago. oh, like wild ponies in assateague & chincoteague. what? on the east coast. the only thing i know about the east coast is about north carolina. that's where dale earnhardt jr. is from god bless his father.
and then we proceed to discuss nascar for twenty odd minutes. alone at midnight in small town arizona. who knew i was so knowledgeable about race car driving? he let me go with a warning. i think he was bored. and i liked having someone to talk to. a break from the lyics in the car. engaging, however absurd. i explained my tatoo and he described the fall of the mining industry. seriously, i can't make this stuff up.

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