Tuesday, October 7, 2008

i'm fun.

That's what the oh-so-obnoxious vanity plate screamed from the rear bumper of the cherry red sports car i passed on my way home today. Talk about a cry for validation. Can you picture the person that drives said car? You know you can. Stereotypes. They are bad, but they exist for a reason, and until we stop conforming to the roles we create for one another, they will continue to label our fellow neighbors. And ourselves. Break free. Just be yourself. "Everyone else is already taken."

A friend of mine recently remarked on the all-too-common phenomenon of the hot girl with the less than hot boyfriend. Why does it seem like really beautiful women always end up dating men that don't match them physically? It's an egotistical question. But it's strange because attractive men are very rarely seen with unattractive women on their arm. Why the uneven pairing?

This is what i have concluded after minutes of thought:
How many truly beautiful women do you know, actually believe they are beautiful? I think that's the key. Many women suffer from a "not good enough" complex. Stemming from some sort of youthful lacking. An absent parent. An abusive friend/family member. Or maybe seemingly from nothing that can be pin-pointed. It's a trait women have inherited from The Fall. An all too familiar feeling that Eve passed down through the female generations.

As women, we look for validation. We look for self-worth. Our desire is to know that we are beautiful. And I think it may be easier to believe those words when they are sincerely expressed by someone who doesn't spend more time in the bathroom than you do. Perhaps it really is all about the personality. Someone who knows themselves a little bit better is going to be more sincere and confident in their words. While all the Brad's and Tom's of the world are out chasing skirts and tossing footballs, the Michaels, Shias, & Zacks of the world are honing their comedic timing and eccentric interests. Well rounded Renaissance men. Confidence is attractive. Arrogance is obnoxious. Nerdy is fun.

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