Saturday, August 2, 2008

making a list. checking it twice.

Again with the lists.
You know I love them.
And instead of being disappointed that I have been unable to check off destinations on my itinerary ( as I am still "patiently" waiting in Chi-town) I have been making mental lists of little things that make me smile or laugh outloud.
Here are a few I thought I would share.
And I like the reminder of the lil' things :)

-The Food Network (especially Tyler Florence)
-British boys talking bollocks on the EL
-My engaged BFF, Kelly-Cheer with color guard
-The Sunday drive
-Sweet potato fries
-The perfect pot of chili
-Cold beer
-Fluffy purple towels
-Photo ops
-A long run. A cold glass of water. A hot shower. (in that order)
-Dave's Insanity Sauce
-Kir Royale
-The tap-dancing scene in Garden State-Fake Palindromes by Andrew Bird (my latest theme song)
-Three piece suits
-Shia LaBeouf
-Jon Stewart (especially on The Daily Show)
-Anderson Cooper
-Blueberry Pancakes
-Friday Night Lights (Starts back up in October!)
-Everwood reruns

1 comment:

kelstar said...

awww..thanks for the shout out...check yes for sweet potato fries...