[Happy place, found.]
[Yes, one can live life in a postcard.]
Telluride is a resort town. Glitz and glamor. Big time movie stars cruisin' the slopes. High dollar at high altitudes. But it's also a tiny town nestled in the crook of the most beautiful mountains I have seen thus far. I am a different person here. I am myself. I am walking the streets. I am at the library. I am at the grocery store. I am sleeping in a tent at the top of a ridge. My view from high above the quaint houses below. A recommendation from a man I met on the gondola ride up the slope. Their version of a commute. A free ride, an amazing view, completely dog friendly. The entire town is. I didn't realize how much I was missing out on Marley's full doggie potential. We are a team here. Hiking, playing running, window shopping. I think owning a dog in Telluride is a town requirement. An observation made by a couple I met from Chicago. They asked me for directions. One of three time people asked me for advice on places to go. apparently this place suits me. I look like I live here. And I gladly would. It's officially on my list. But there are more places to see and more mountains to climb. And I've got Mr. Conway's farm waiting for me in Boone. I've been emailing and talking with him and his director for the past three weeks. An opportunity for an internship. A year in the woods cooking over open fire. Long hours. Hard work. Marley can come, too. My heart is so torn now. New options present themselves. Resort photography in Telluride. Employee housing. Lord, where do you want me? I get it that I'm not a city girl. My heart resounds with small town living and towering trees. My anxiety levels skyrocket as I drive through busy city streets and open desert lands. I feel safe in the woods. Even alone on top of a mountain in Colorado. The closest person a quarter of a mile down the trail. I never knew this about me before. It's amazing what I have learned. Not at all that I was expecting. I still have no idea where I will be in the future. But I have options. And every day God is reminding me that my idea is never as great as His. Presenting me with new people and places. This is worth the gas prices. I will never forget these moments. Thank you Lord. Thank you for this itch.

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