[in the spirit of continued exploration, here is a list of potential charlotte adventures. care to join me?]
[1] amelie's french bakery
un cafe, s'il vous plait?
relax in the cafe environment drinking coffee and sampling the breads and pastries. all the yumminess of paris without the expensive plane ride.
[2]gallery crawl
first & third friday of the month. FREE. can't beat that. and i am hooked on the artwork of duy huynh, featured at lark and key gallery. acrylic on wood. if i could paint that is what i would want to create. i want them all for my personal collection.
[3]the dog bar
back in wilmington, the marley dog used to be able to come to the local bars with me and my roommates. icehouse. blue post. barbary coast. but we have never had a bar that caters to k-9's and their humans. beers and bones. that's what i call a good time.
[4]cabo fish taco
i love mexican food. the freshness of the ingredients. the spicier the better. i could probably eat it everyday and never get sick of it. check out the awesome vibe and amazing food. it's a little loud in volume and decor, so plan on getting a little rowdy.
[5]neighborhood theater
pretty big names in a quaint little venue. the way live music should be.
[6]mint museum
[7]levine museum of the new south
[8]the light factory
take classes. watch films. i am embarrassed i haven't been here yet.
[9]blynk organic
i am on the verge of going vegetarian. it's a big commitment. not sure if i can hack it's inconvenience and expense. but i guess my health should be a priority. raw food diet anyone?
[10]mert's heart and soul
i may be a yankee by birth, but i'm southern at heart. or stomach. bring on the bbq pork and collard greens.
[11]thomas street tavern
a good place to hang out. gab a pint. play some ping pong. sit by the fire pit. busy enough to meet some new people, but mellow enough to carry on a good long conversation.
[12]dish (drop the "the")
veggie plate and bourbon sweet potato pie. amen.
[13]the penguin
love to eat there. hate to smell like i just ate there. fried pickles? yes, please.
[14]hong kong vintage
fun clothes. decent prices.

1 comment:
We should make a date for the dog bar. I heart showing Molly off AND beer, but getting all the way down to Rock Hill and all the way back up to NoDa is kind of tricky.
Still, if I had a date, I would be allll over it.
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